Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Wear Sunscreen

Spring is here which means warmer temperatures and if you are like me you are getting out in the warm sunny weather as much as possible. Whether you are outdoors gardening, working out, driving with the windows down, or simply going about your everyday activities you NEED to wear sunscreen on your face! Sunscreen is a must YEAR round, but I realize that most people don't wear it all the time...so, now is the time to get in the habit. You can apply a moisturizer with sunscreen in the morning, a basic sunscreen before your moisturizer, or use a foundation that has sunscreen in it. Any of those options work. Make sure you are using something with SPF 15 or higher. Not only is skin cancer a risk when out in the sun, but also wrinkles...and hello, we do not want those on our faces before they have to be there! Another issue with too much sun--sunburns, which lead to red skin and peeling...red peeling skin and you wanting your makeup to look fabulous is not the best combo. Remember, if you are going to be by a pool, at the beach or sitting outside at an event all day you need to reapply...again and again. And, don't forget to put sunscreen on your neck...and the rest of your body for that matter. Remember, playing in the sun is fun, but too much sun can burn!

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